Kingbreaker Group
If county records indicate that your home is scheduled to be sold, you could have less than 30 days to act. Time is not on your side, you need to take action as soon as possible. We can show you how to freeze the sale of your home and recover your most valuable asset.
How We Help
The Federal Programs we show you how to utilize can freeze your foreclosure sale in its tracks, bring all your due past payments current, waive late fees and penalties, and reduce your interest rate to as low as 3%. We can help reduce
your original mortgage payment for the life of the loan (usually 30% - 40%) less than what you are paying right
now, and after we get the specialized programs approved, your credit report will show your payments as
We have helped save over 100 homes, more than $30 million of assets rescued from the foreclosure process. Join us and take the first step in reclaiming your home today.